2009, 2010, 2013
Nassau County District Attorney

Threshold began working with Kathleen Rice during her re-election campaign for Nassau County District Attorney in 2009. The New York Daily News called Kathleen "the state's toughest DWI prosecutor,' and she gained national attention on 60 Minutes for her work taking on drunk drivers. In 2010, Kathleen launched an unsuccessful bid for New York Attorney General, however, she raised the most money of the five candidates. Threshold stayed with Kathleen through her re-election in 2013 preparing, building her network of statewide relationships. 

Kathleen Rice for Congress

When United State Representative Carolyn McCarthy announced her retirement in January of 2014, Kathleen Rice was the heavy favorite for Long Island's south shore. With the help of Threshold Group, Kathleen raised $1.4 million in the first quarter of 2014, solidifying her position in the Democratic Primary which she won in June of 2014. That year, Kathleen Rice raised almost $5 million total towards her eventual win in November and established herself as one of the top political fundraisers in the country. Her victory was by a significant margin, reflecting strong voter support and effective campaign strategies, including those provided by Threshold Group.

2016, 2018, 2020
Kathleen Rice for Congress Re-Election Campaigns
Rice successfully held her seat through subsequent elections by focusing on key issues such as public safety, health care and veterans affairs. For each campaign cycle, she continued to leverage strategic campaign insights and operations from Threshold Group to expand her voter base of support. By her last campaign in 2020, Threshold was managing fundraising, mail design and production, and digital strategy and implementation. Kathleen retired in January of 2023 and Threshold is grateful for her service to New York and our country.